Sunday, March 16, 2008

warm welcome

it is the second night of spring break. we just got back from the city tonight. i am incredibly content.

yesterday we got here safely and for this i am thankful. we didn't know where we were going to stay when we got here. jerad called up an ex-girlfriend and her parents decided to take in 6 strangers. this family has been truly wonderful. they gave us a some matresses and some warm quilts to sleep with. i am thankful for this, because the basement is really cold. i got to talking with the father of the household and found out that the house used to belong to a cultish church, and he has spent the last 10 years remodeling the old church into a home. the family then made us a huge breakfast this morning before we left for church. i am thankful and encouraged by this family. it is nice to know that there are still people out there willing to take in six strangers and show us Christ's love all the while.

more forgiveness. please.
thank You.


Aubrey said...

kaeli and her family are wonderful. i'm glad you're enjoying my neck of the woods. contnue to have a safe and wonderful break!


kylee said...

happy spring break! i am glad you have a great place to stay. tell me of your city adventures and food! you should try montag (under the burnside bridge I think) ask chad.
have a good week!