Wednesday, April 2, 2008

continued learning

the last few weeks i have been incredibly blessed by meeting a number of incredibly friendly people. i was telling someone last night, since i have moved out west i have been very lucky in meeting many incredibly genuine people. as i drove west, it was as if people got progressively friendlier in the gas stations and at other stops i made. 
but more recently i have met a number of new bright faces through kylee pearson. on sunday evening i had the privilege of baby sitting three beautiful children with her, so two couples could go see vampire weekend and yacht live. both couples were incredibly friendly and gentle and loving. this reflected in how they brought up their children. one of the boys was potty training and he "spilled" while he was on the toilet. i told him i would clean it up for him, but all he could say was that he was nervous his parents would be mad at his mistake. later in the evening when i was tucking him in for the night he explained that he felt he needed to tell his mother and father about his accident. he is four years old. at that age i would have just hoped my parents didn't find my mistake. i think it is wonderful that he felt he could be honest with his parents about his mistake.
i have a lot to learn from this young one. often in my life i live as if i can hide my sins from  G-d, when the truth is, i should acknowledge my mistakes and look towards correcting them.

ok i am getting really unorganized. i started this post talking about friendly people and started talking about forgiveness. 

so if you think about it sometime soon. meditate on both.

my apologies for lack of organization.

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