Tuesday, May 20, 2008

getting spiritualized

my parents are downstairs watching who will become the next american idol, and i can't help but stay pinned up in my room gettin' spiritualized. if you haven't heard it yet go by spiritualized's myspace and listen to the new album that is supposed to come out sometime this summer. in my opinion i think it could possibly be the best thing i have heard this year. go somewhere quiet and secluded and listen to this album straight through with no interruptions. borrowing a statement from a dear friend (ian) it is summer, i know you have time to listen to one album without distraction.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


yesterday my father was kind enough to leave his truck with me for a day. i woke up and went into town to prepare for a month of social hibernation. these are the supplies that will hold me over:
into the wild
on the road by jack kerouac 
the complete works of vincent van gogh

Thursday, May 8, 2008

i am sorry dear friend for the hurt i have caused. 
i don't know if you read this.
find peace in Him.

Monday, April 21, 2008

i was waiting for the mother hen to gather me

i was just on my way back from the student center, when i saw a mother duck scurrying along with about 8 chicks following closely behind. i followed them for a ways. as i took my time behind them the mother quickened her pace and the little ones struggled to muster enough energy  to keep up. i couldn't help but smile. the chicks were still quite young, and weren't very coordinated. they all were stumbling clumsily along behind their mom. finally i stopped and the mother stopped with all of her children just outside my reach. when she stopped the little ones almost instantly fell on their tuckered out tummies. 

i grinned for a while and then turned and went on my way. on my walk to the dorm i couldn't help but reflect on this same kind of love that G-d shares with us. i find it interesting that one of the only places G-d is described with female attributes is in matthew. G-d is described as a mother hen who is there to protect her children under her wing. it was neat to see those little clumsy chicks crashing about behind their mother. that is often me, there i am walking in line with G-d, then a little pebble or crevice causes me to stumble. just as the little chicks, my response is to get up and quickly scurry back in line behind G-d. 

it is also neat to reflect on the idea that sometimes, as those clumsy unintelligent little chicks, we don't understand why G-d doesn't give us rest in the hustle and bustle of our lives. perhaps it is to protect us from the things that we are too small to understand. but in the end, when we are out of harms way, we get that much needed rest, and it is good to rest easy under Her wings.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

mr. berrian. less please.

less of my beliefs.
more of You.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

i need to record some jams

Saturday, April 12, 2008

last night i took my guys to the hot springs. i know i tend to write about hot springs a lot, but honestly every time i go out there i experience something new. often times people bash on the fundamentalist idea of spiritual retreats, but i find them to be wonderful and much needed. the hot springs are probably the closest thing i have ever experienced to a spiritual retreat. perhaps it is the location, the scenery, and proximity to the city. when i am there i am so far out that i can't get cell phone reception or even consider seeing the lights of the city. it is wonderful to resort back to the simple life. (even though it does require a car to get out there). 

the springs are just a reminder of how small and insignificant my problems are. the "problems" that i worry about, are so insignificant in the grand scheme of things, and i guess it is the combination of the vastness of the night sky, the grand mountain scape, and distance from my troubles that evoke this feeling.

every time i go i am also reminded of another past event, that i would rather forget at times, but i can't help but laugh at it at the same time. again one of those problems that are insignificant now in hindsight. maybe someday that negative memory can be replaced with a positive memory...

all praise be to G-d